Mandatory Parent Fundraising
As of April 2021, we’ve introduced mandatory parent fundraising to help keep our fees affordable and continue supporting our valuable programs. Your contribution is crucial in helping us provide quality child care and community support services.
Key Details:
Mandatory Contribution: $150.00 per child.
Purpose: To maintain low parent fees and fund our child care programs and supports.
Mandatory Parent Fundraising
Parents of BGC Olds and Area who attend our daycare, OSC programs (before & after school care), most complete mandatory parent fundraising each year. $150 per child must be raised within the fundraising year, June 30th-July 1st.
Parents can complete their fundriaising by paying outright, or taking part in our many fundraisers throughout the year such as, Purdys, Growing Smiles, Mabels Labels, Raffles, Volunteering, and more.
Any questions about fundraising can be sent to Lauren our Director of Youth, Family, and Community Services at